Child Custody
Family Law today focuses on the “best interest of the child,” which means that family laws try to keep the children’s well-being at the forefront of decision-making. There are two main types of child custody in California: legal custody and physical custody.
A parent with legal custody has the decision-making authority for the child’s life, including: health care, education, religious participation, etc. Usually, “joint legal custody” is granted to the parents, but sometimes the court will grant “sole legal custody” to only one parent. Joint legal custody means that both parents shall share the right and responsibility to make the decisions relating to the health, education, and welfare of a child. (California Family Code §3003).
Joint physical custody means that each of the parents shall have significant periods of physical custody. There may be certain timeshares where the child spends designated times with each parent. This may be equal timeshares (week on/week off) or there may be another arrangement. Sometimes, only one parent has “primary” physical custody which means the child lives with, and is supervised by, only one parent for the majority of the time, and the other parent has “visitation” rights or “parenting time.” (California Family Code §3004).
What does this all mean for you and your child?
Child custody issues can last the entirety of the child’s youth. In other words, parents who cannot agree on custody are looking at years of potential litigation. Our law firm encourages fair and equitable child custody arrangements, within the bounds of the law. Determining what type of custody you want should be governed by the child’s best interest, not by the parents’ desires. It is not advantageous for you to ask for sole custody of your child for the purpose of excluding your former partner from the child’s life. Joint legal custody allows both parents to maintain rights over their offspring. Joint physical custody assures that a child has frequent and continuing contact with both parents (unless the health, safety or welfare of the child is in jeopardy). (California Fam. Code §3004, §3011 and §3020). Call GRIFFIN DONNELL and ASSOCIATES, APC, to help protect you and those you love the most, your children.